Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Few Words

I'm at a loss for words tonight, but here are some images from our past few days in Kenya: 

A hike through central Kenya's tea plantations. Americans revere
Kenyan coffee but Kenyans are much prouder of their tea, which they
drink with milk several times a day and at any gathering.

Rolling hills of green.

Any good hike requires a foot soaking in a cold river...

or a full-on dip!
Giraffe Center in Nairobi

Isabel giving "Ed" a kiss.


Donna said...

Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! This countryside is so lush and green with flowing water to refresh tired walkers. And, oh Isabel, Ed the giraffe si so lucky to get a kiss from you. What a great shot!

jzazzera said...

How I love seeing all you Chapmans enjoying this world together!