Friday, October 3, 2008

OCTOBER 1, 2008

We are one week away from traveling to Ethiopia. It seems to be the stage of “last times” for Jeff. “This is the last weekend it will be just the four of us,” he said last weekend. (My parents arrive Saturday.) Then this week: “These are the last dinners where it will be just the four of us.” I tease him about this, but I know he is right. It is a time of “last times” just before we begin a season of “first times.” And that is always hard, and sentimental, and a bit sad. I would rather not dwell on this side of things, more comfortable to keep myself in denial and “cup half full” mode. But perhaps it is good to acknowledge and mark this time as well – a little rite of passage before we all move into a new stage of life.

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