Friday, October 3, 2008

SEPTEMBER 20, 2008

I finally got to speak to Judy, who adopted Bereket’s friend, Samra. She reiterated all the comments in her e-mail and said both Godebo and Bereket seem very “well adjusted.” “Some of the children at the orphanage are more needy than others, or more clingy, but both your children seem great, very well adjusted.” Judy said Samra is adjusting beautifully and she believes our children will do the same. I sure hope so. We have taken so many classes and read so many book and articles about adjustment/bonding issues that I almost began to expect the worst. It’s nice to hear another side.

After we spoke, Judy sent me this photo of Bereket and Samra. I adore it, 1) because Bereket is smiling and 2) it is such a classic girlfriend picture.

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